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It doesn't search

Profile picture for user gabby_hilario



Hello everyone!

I'm super sad and disappointed with this new website. Everything here is harder. Now, despite everything else that is impossible to do (I gave up on trying to create a new worksheet), it's also impossible to search for worksheets.
Currently, I'm trying to search worksheets about question tags. Previously, there were a huge number of them and I suppose they still exist, but now, they are not shown to me. When I search "question tag" (or tag question), just worksheets like the ones in the picture appear to me (Past simple, Present Simple, Was or Were, To be going to). Just ONE worksheet related to Question Tag appears.
Please, can anyone fix this? I have like 400 worksheets saved in here, but I can't anymore, the new website is terrible and it's making me wonder why I still try to use it.


Profile picture for user gabby_hilario



Ruta, thanks, but I tried "question tag" but it shows "No worksheets." I can't post the print on the comments section, but this is what happens...

Profile picture for user gabby_hilario



Using your link, it worked. I suppose I must ask you to search everything I need so... Then you send me the link, instead of me searching on my own. Terrible...

Profile picture for user gabby_hilario



Can you search for me again? I'm trying to find worksheets about there is/there are. I've tried to search using quotation marks, I've tried with there, there is, there is are, there are, all option I could've thought, but no worksheets were found. So please, help me again. Everytime I have problems like this...